"A couple of weeks ago Martin and I arrived at the office at about the same time. He was trying to get Rufus to settle down. Rufus wasn't cooperating and Martin told me that Rufus was a bit bored. Jokingly I suggested that we could probably train Rufus to do some Mechanical Turk HITS."
If your company is interested in pursuing a dogsourcing initiative, some useful resources can be found on Wikpedia:
- Evaluating the intelligence of a dog: "It is likely that dogs do not have the ability to premeditate an action to solve a problem." Systems like Mechanical Turk can help remedy this shortfall, by prompting the canine to action.
- Jobs performed by dogs, including the most impressive...
- Assistive Dogs: No joke here. Assistive dogs have to employ constant decision making to keep their disabled owners out of harm's way.